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July 02, 2015

IBM Bluemix Overview

Bluemix™ is the latest cloud offering from IBM®. It enables organizations and developers to quickly and easily create, deploy, and manage applications on the cloud. Bluemix is an implementation of IBM's Open Cloud Architecture based on Cloud Foundry, an open source Platform as a Service (PaaS). Bluemix delivers enterprise-level services that can easily integrate with your cloud applications without you needing to know how to install or configure them. This article gives a high-level description of Cloud Foundry and Bluemix and outlines the features and services that were part of the open beta of Bluemix, which make it a compelling PaaS in the market today.
Use an API or Service.
Choose from IBM, third-party, and community services to extend the functionality of your apps. If you have existing infrastructure or APIs, you can securely connect those to Bluemix as well.
Scale more than just instances.
Bluemix is designed to make developers' lives easier. That's why we provide dev teams of all sizes with the flexibility to scale compute power at a very granular level, seamlessly collaborate on source code and shared APIs, and manage apps' performance, logs and costs from a single dashboard.
Deploy and manage hybrid apps.
With Bluemix you get a single development and management experience across any combination of public, dedicated, and local Bluemix instances. Choose where your apps, data, and other services live without compromising on the speed and economics of the cloud.
Need to integrate with apps and systems running elsewhere? Our tools help you securely connect to your environments, transform and synchronize data, and create and expose enterprise APIs to the Bluemix catalog.


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