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November 26, 2015

IBM BPM - Versioning Process Applications

Versioning provides the ability for the runtime environment to identify snapshots in the lifecycle of a process application, and to be able to concurrently run multiple snapshots on a process server.
To understand how process applications are versioned, it is important to remember that a process application is a container that holds various artifacts used in or by the process application (for example, process models or BPDs, toolkit references, services, tracks, or monitor models). Any versioning is done at this container level, not at the level of the individual artifacts. For process applications, that means that versioning happens when you take a snapshot.
You can compare snapshots to determine differences between the versions. For example, if a developer fixed a problem with a service and took a snapshot of its containing process application or toolkit at that point, and then a different developer made several additional changes to the same service and took a new snapshot, the project manager can compare the two snapshots to determine which changes were made when and by whom. If the project manager decided that the additional changes to the service were not worthwhile, the project manager can revert to the snapshot of the original fix.
You can run different versions (snapshots) of a process application concurrently on a server; when you install a new snapshot, either remove the original or leave it running.
Version context
Each snapshot has unique metadata to identify the version (referred to as version context). You assign that identifier, but IBM recommends using a three-digit numeric version system in the format <major>.<minor>.<service>. See the topics about naming conventions for a more detailed description of this versioning scheme.
IBM® Business Process Manager assigns a global namespace for each process application. The global namespace is specifically either the process application's tip or a particular process application snapshot. The version name used by the server cannot be longer than seven characters, so the assigned name is an acronym that uses characters from the snapshot name that you assigned. Snapshot acronyms are identical to their snapshot names if the snapshot names conform to the recommended IBM VRM style and are not more than seven characters. For example, a snapshot name of 1.0.0 will have an acronym of 1.0.0, and a snapshot name of 10.3.0 will have the acronym of 10.3.0. The snapshot acronym will be guaranteed to be unique within the context of the process application within the scope of the Process Center server. For that reason, you cannot edit the snapshot acronym.
Versioning considerations for process applications in multiple clusters
You can install the same version of a process application to multiple clusters within the same cell. To differentiate among these multiple installations of the same version of the process application, create a snapshot for each installation and include a cell-unique ID in the snapshot name (for example, v1.0_cell1_1 and v1.0_cell1_2). Each snapshot is a new version of the process application (from a pure lifecycle management perspective), but the content and function are the same.
When you install a process application in a cluster, an automatic synchronization of the nodes is performed.
Versioning considerations for Process Designer toolkits
Remember that process application snapshots are typically taken when you are ready to test or install. Toolkit snapshots, however, are typically taken when you are ready for that toolkit to be used by process applications. Afterward, if you want to update the toolkit, you must take another snapshot of "tip" when you are ready, and then the owners of process applications and toolkits can decide whether they want to move up to the new snapshot.
Naming conventions
A naming convention is used to differentiate the various versions of a process application as it moves through the lifecycle of updating, deploying, co-deploying, un-deploying, and archiving.
This section provides you with the conventions that are used to uniquely identify versions of a process application.
A version context is a combination of acronyms that uniquely describes a process application or toolkit. Each type of acronym has a naming convention. The acronym is limited to a maximum length of seven characters from the [A-Z0-9_] character set, except for the snapshot acronym, which can also include a period.
Ø  The process application acronym is created when the process application is created. It can be a maximum of seven characters in length.
Ø  The snapshot acronym is created automatically when the snapshot is created. It can be a maximum of seven characters in length.
If the snapshot name meets the criteria for a valid snapshot acronym, the snapshot name and acronym will be the same.

Note: When using the mediation flow component version-aware routing function, name your snapshot so that it conforms to the <version>.<release>.<modification> scheme (for example, 1.0.0). Because the snapshot acronym is limited to seven characters, the digit values are limited to a maximum of five total digits (five digits plus two periods). Therefore, care should be taken when the digit fields are incremented, because anything beyond the first seven characters is truncated.
For example, a snapshot name 11.22.33 results in a 11.22.3 snapshot acronym.
Ø  The track acronym is automatically generated from the first character of each word of the track name. For example, a new track created with the name My New Track would result in an acronym value of MNT.
The default track name and acronym are Main. Deployment to a IBM® Process Center server includes the track acronym in the versioning context if the track acronym is not Main.
A business process definition in a process application is typically identified by the process application name acronym, the snapshot acronym, and the name of the business process definition. Choose unique names for your business process definitions whenever possible. When duplicate names exist, you might encounter the following problems:
Ø  You might be unable to expose the business process definitions as web services without some form of mediation.
Ø  You might be unable to invoke a business process definition created in IBM Process Designer from a BPEL process created in IBM Integration Designer.
Naming conventions for Process Center server deployments
On the IBM® Process Center server, you can deploy a snapshot of a process application as well as a snapshot of a toolkit. In addition, you can deploy the tip of a process application or the tip of a toolkit. (A tip is the current working version of your process application or toolkit.) The version context varies, depending on the type of deployment.
For process applications, the process application tip or the specific process application snapshot is used to uniquely identify the version.
Toolkits can be deployed with one or more process applications, but the lifecycle of each toolkit is bound to the lifecycle of the process application. Each process application has its own copy of the dependent toolkit or toolkits deployed to the server. A deployed toolkit is not shared between process applications.

If the track associated with the process application is named something other than the default of Main, the track acronym is also part of the version context.
Process application snapshots
For process application snapshot deployments, the version context is a combination of the following items:
ü  Process application name acronym
ü  Process application track acronym (if a track other than Main is used)
ü  Process application snapshot acronym
Stand-alone toolkits
For toolkit snapshot deployments, the version context is a combination of the following items:
ü  Toolkit name acronym
ü  Toolkit track acronym (if a track other than Main is used)
ü  Toolkit snapshot acronym
Process application tips are used during iterative testing in Process Designer. They can be deployed to Process Center servers only.
For process application tip deployments, the version context is a combination of the following items:
ü  Process application name acronym
ü  Process application track acronym (if a track other than Main is used)
ü  "Tip"
Toolkit tips are also used during iterative testing in Process Designer. They are not deployed to a production server.
For toolkit tip deployments, the version context is a combination of the following items:
ü  Toolkit name acronym
ü  Toolkit track acronym (if a track other than Main is used)
ü  "Tip"
Resources should be uniquely named and identified externally using the version context.
ü  The following table shows an example of names that are uniquely identified. In this example, a process application tip uses the default track name (Main):
Table 1. Process application tip with default track name
Type of name
Process application name
Process Application 1
Process application name acronym
Process application track
Process application track acronym
"" (when the track is Main)
Process application snapshot

Process application snapshot acronym
Any SCA modules associated with this process application tip include the version context, as shown in the following table:
Table 2. SCA modules and version-aware EAR files
SCA module name
Version-aware name
Version-aware EAR/application name
ü  The following table shows an example of a process application tip that uses a non-default track name:
Table 3. Process application tip with non-default track name
Type of name
Process application name
Process Application 1
Process application name acronym
Process application track
Process application track acronym
Process application snapshot

Process application snapshot acronym
Any SCA modules associated with this process application tip include the version context, as shown in the following table:
Table 4. SCA modules and version-aware EAR files
SCA module name
Version-aware name
Version-aware EAR/application name
Similar naming conventions apply to advanced Toolkit tip and snapshot deployments. They also apply to advanced snapshots installed to Process Server.
ü  The following table shows an example of names that are uniquely identified. In this example, a process application snapshot uses the default track name (Main):
Table 5. Process application snapshot with default track name
Type of name
Process application name
Process Application 1
Process application name acronym
Process application track
Process application track acronym
"" (when the track is Main)
Process application snapshot
Process Shapshot V1
Process application snapshot acronym
Any SCA modules associated with this process application snapshot include the version context, as shown in the following table:
Table 6. SCA modules and version-aware EAR files
SCA module name
Version-aware name
Version-aware EAR/application name
ü  The following table shows an example of a process application snapshot that uses a non-default track name:
Table 7. Process application snapshot with non-default track name
Type of name
Process application name
Process Application 1
Process application name acronym
Process application track
Process application track acronym
Process application snapshot
Process Snapshot V1
Process application snapshot acronym
Any SCA modules associated with this process application snapshot include the version context, as shown in the following table:
Table 8. SCA modules and version-aware EAR files
SCA module name
Version-aware name
Version-aware EAR/application name
Naming conventions for Process Server deployments
On the Process Server, you can deploy the snapshot of a process application. The process application snapshot acronym is used to uniquely identify the version.
For process application snapshot deployments, the version context is a combination of the following items:
ü  Process application name acronym
ü  Process application snapshot acronym
Resources should be uniquely named and identified externally using the version context. The following table shows an example of names that are uniquely identified:
Table 1. Example of names and acronyms
Type of name
Process application name
Process Application 1
Process application name acronym
Process application snapshot
Process application snapshot acronym
A resource, such as a module or library, has the version context as part of its identify.
The following table shows an example of two modules and how the associated EAR files include the version context:
Table 2. SCA modules and version-aware EAR files
SCA module name
Version-aware name
Version-aware EAR/application name
The following table shows an example of two process-application-scoped libraries and how the associated JAR files include the version context:
Table 3. Process-application-scoped libraries and version-aware JAR files
SCA process-application-scoped library name
Version-aware name
Version-aware JAR name
In this article we covered IBM Business Process Manager Versioning process applications and naming conversions which are fit for IBM Process Server and IBM Process center. I hope it will be very useful who is going to start their project where IBM BPM used.

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IBM BPM - Versioning Process Applications
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